Telemundo – Al Rojo Vivo

In April 2008 correspondent Galo Arellano, a reporter for Telemundo Network, asked to profile Steinberg and her partner Jorge Molina. The segment aired May 15th 2008 on Al Rojo Vivo, a daily Spanish language news program on the American television network Telemundo. Al Rojo Vivo roughly translates as "red hot" or "at boiling point" in English.

The segments was titled "El arte de un artista forense" (The art of a forensic artist):

Los artistas forenses dan vida a lo que nunca han visto. Conoce a los artistas que emplean el arte para asistir en investigaciones de criminales con bocetos y dibujos. (The forensic artist gives life to what they have never seen. They are known as artists that employ their art to assist in investigations of criminals with sketches and drawings.)

See the Video