Facial Identification Catalog with over 1200 images!!!
The size and resolution of the images cannot be beat.
Over 1000 contemporary hairstyles including braids and dreadlocks!
Five pages of facial lines which can assist the forensic artist in drawing composites, age progressions and facial reconstructions.
And two bonus pages of photos with open mouths to help the artist illustrate distinctive dentition or realistically render a subject with an open mouth!!

"I am absolutely impressed with Samantha Steinberg's Facial Identification Catalog. It is light years ahead of previous catalogs. It contains a significantly better cross section of features of more current population trends encountered in law enforcement today.
The first time I used the catalog resulted in an identification of a dangerous sexual predator who had used false police identification to kidnap and sexually assault a fourteen year old child. Within days, with the public release of the composite sketch, the suspect was identified and in custody.
Samantha's catalog is an absolute must have for any composite artist!"
Detective Doug SmithForensic Artist
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept.
"Samantha Steinberg has accomplished what major police organizations have yet to attempt in the field of forensic composite artistry by producing the Facial Identification Catalogue. Each and every facial aspect is clearly represented, giving a distressed or inarticulate witness the opportunity to simply "point and show" the feature in question, and at the same time, revealing the specific detail to be rendered. Steinberg’s comprehensive attention to every element of this catalogue and successful dedication to duty is expressed on every page.
This catalogue is available to all potential composite artists, allowing them the opportunity to practice their developing skills in a professional manner and a chance to reach their forensic art goals. With this catalogue, I’ve successfully completed more composite sketches in a few short months than most PD’s produce in a year! A "must have" item in any forensic art kit!!!"
Victoria LywoodForensic Artist
John Abbott College Montreal, Canada
"Hairstyles and clothing trends are constantly changing. In order to accurately depict a suspect in a composite sketch, the forensic artist requires reference tools that depict contemporary styles. Samantha Steinberg's Facial Identification Catalog is a wonderful reference tool that meets this need. The effort in preparing such an outstanding catalog is evident by the excellent image quality, variety, and up-to-date photographs. Frequently, when offered other reference catalogs, a victim/witness will turn to the Steinberg Catalog to locate a more acceptable facial feature. Having reference material of this high standard enables the victim/witness to feel more confident in their contribution to accurately describing the suspect(s). Every department utilizing a forensic artist needs to have this Facial Identification Catalog available."
Daneen MillerForensic Artist
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
"Ms. Steinberg, your book is not only thoughtfully produced and a long overdue tool for the forensic art trade, but I now find it indispensable! It was delivered to me in short order, and since, I have used it for numerous sketches.You absolutely nailed the need for more updated and distinct photographs, especially depicting such minute differences between persons who usually fall under the umbrella of "African-American male."
Unfortunately, in many of the rural areas to which I travel in Texas, there are plenty of people who are still old-fashioned and stereotypical in their descriptions of black men. Your book not only helps them see the differences, in turn, that helps me develop a more accurate drawing.
For example, I recently interviewed a woman who, in part of her description of a young, black male, stated, "He had braids," as if that was enough of an explanation. I was so grateful that I could pull out your book and show her the 20-30 possible styles in which he could have been wearing his "braids" …she was amazed.
Another time, an older woman was trying to describe the "dental work" her attacker had. I felt I knew what she was getting at, and showed her the "Showing teeth" section of your book. She went straight for the "mouth grill," and that was that!
The other sections I find particularly helpful are the "light eyes," "close-cropped hair," and the facial lines. Like many other forensic artists probably, I had created my own album of features that I felt needed more attention, based on the regularity of their use for my particular area of the country, and/or current fads. There just aren’t enough reference aids available to those of us who love this field and want to do the most thorough job possible.
I am not surprised that you took the initiative and time to put this together to help make our jobs easier. It is such integrity and the willingness to go beyond the call of duty that makes a truly great forensic artist. Your guide will help fill a huge gap in our field, and I believe should also help to aid struggling artists become better, producing a more realistic drawing. Thank you!"
Suzanne BirdwellForensic Artist
Texas Department of Public Safety / Texas Rangers, Austin, TX